Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Nominate for the Childhood Immunization Champion Award

Know anyone you would like to nominate for this prestigious award? Submit through the Florida DOH. Here's how ...

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the CDC Foundation is now calling for nominations for the annual Childhood Immunization Champion Award. This is an annual award that recognizes individuals who make a significant contribution toward improving public health through their work in childhood immunization.

The Champion Award is intended to recognize individuals who are working at the local level. It honors those who are doing an exemplary job or going above and beyond to promote or foster childhood immunizations in their communities.
The nomination and selection of a local Champion should be based on meeting one or more of the following criteria:
  • Leadership: The candidate is considered an authority on immunization in their community, medical system, or individual practice. Activities may include acting as a spokesperson, trainer, mentor, or educator.
  • Collaboration: The candidate has worked to build support for and increase immunization rates in infants and young children. Activities may include establishing or strengthening partnerships, coalitions, committees, working groups, or other.
  • Innovation: The candidate has used creative or innovative strategies to promote immunization or address challenges to immunization in their practice, community, state, or region. Activities may include either new strategies or adapting existing strategies in new ways such as for reaching under-immunized populations.
  • Advocacy: The candidate is active in advancing policies and best practices to support immunization in infants and young children in their community, state, or region. The candidate cannot be involved in advocacy activities that are related to funding for immunizations.
Nomination packets must be received by the Immunization Section no later than Friday, January 26, 2018. Please email completed packets to
Awardees will be announced during National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW), which runs April 21–28 in 2018. Champions will receive a certificate of recognition, will be featured on CDC’s web site, and may be recognized by their immunization program during NIIW.
Champions can include coalition members, parents, health care professionals (e.g., physicians, nurses, physicians’ assistants, nurse practitioners, medical assistants, etc.), and other immunization leaders who meet the award criteria. State immunization program managers, state and federal government employees of health agencies, individuals who have been affiliated with and/or employed by pharmaceutical companies, and those who have already received the award are not eligible to apply (for details, see page 3 of the nomination packet)[10 pages](
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