Thursday, May 24, 2018

FREE Immunization Training for medical professionals

The Immunization Action Coalition of Broward is once again offering a FREE immunization training session for medical office professional staff. 

The session will be held at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 20, 2018 at the FL Department of Health in Broward, 780 SW 24 St., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315.

For more information, contact or 954-213-0607. You can sign up by emailing us the name, phone number and email address of those who will attend.

Topics in this session: Adolescent Vaccines, Using Florida SHOTS, Administering Vaccine, Storage and Handling of Vaccine, and a fun game of Vaccine Jeopardy with prizes.

We have room for about 30 people so don't delay. Thanks and we hope to see you there.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

PreTeen Vax news: New HPV resources now available

The FL Dept of Health Immunization Section would like to share with its partners and colleagues information about new Human papillomavirus (HPV) materials, partner resources, and publications now available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Every health care professional plays an important role in educating the public about HPV and increasing HPV vaccination rates. HPV vaccination is cancer prevention!
Check out the new materials and resources below:
For additional information and HPV resources, please visit:
If you have any questions or need any additional information regarding vaccine recommendations, please contact the Immunization Section at 850-245-4342.

Training opportunity: Pink Book Webinar Series

The Florida Department of Health Immunization Section would like to share with its partners and colleagues information about an upcoming webinar series, Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases—The Pink Book Webinar Series. This learning opportunity will be held on Wednesdays at noon EST beginning June 6, 2018.
Each session will explore a chapter from the 13th edition of Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases—The Pink Book and will include a LIVE Q&A session.
Webinars will also include updates from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).
Free continuing education available!
To view The Pink Book online, please visit:
Advanced registration is required to participate.
For additional webinar information and registration, please visit:
If you have any questions or need any additional information regarding vaccine recommendations, please contact the Immunization Section at 850-245-4342.
Robert M. Griffin, Administrator
Immunization Section
Bureau of Epidemiology
Division of Disease Control and Health Protection
Phone:  (850) 245-4331
Fax:  (850) 922-4195

Links, reports from vaccine webinar

Thank you for registering for the April 25th NACCHO webinar, State of the ImmUnion: A Report on Vaccine-Preventable Diseases in the U.S.  We hope you were able to attend and that you enjoyed learning about Every Child By Two’s (ECBT) State of the ImmUnion special report, and how prepared the U.S. is to face the threat of vaccine-preventable diseases.  Materials from the webinar are available here on the NACCHO website, including the recordingpresentation slides, and State of the ImmUnion special report. For additional policy and advocacy resources, access NACCHO’s government affairs newsletter and advocacy tools which are available on the NACCHO website.
Thank you again to everyone who was able to join and participate in the webinar. Please take a moment to complete the webinar evaluation form to share your experience, feedback or comments. Your response by Friday, May 11 would be greatly appreciated.
Kim Scott
Senior Program Analyst, Immunization
Direct: (202) 595-1123