Friday, May 20, 2016

HPV Video from AAP

The American Academy of Pediatrics chapter in California has put out a very informative video on the benefits of HPV vaccine for girls and boys starting at age 11.

The presentation gives advice to doctors about how to persuade families to get the vaccine, and tells parents in clear language why the vaccine is key to protecting children against cancer caused by the human papillomavirus.

Find it:

Thursday, May 5, 2016

FREE Immunization Training for Medical Assistants, Medical Professionals

The Coalition presents the first 2016 Immunization Training for Medical Assistants and Medical Professionals.

The FREE half-day educational session is set from 1:30 to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, June 22 at the FL Department of Health in Broward County, 780 SW 24 Street, Fort Lauderdale.

The training will cover a series of topics, including How to use Florida SHOTS, the Vaccine Schedule, Meningicoccal Vaccine and HPV Vaccine.

Don't miss a special presentation on "How Well Do You Know Your Vaccination Rates?" The Coalition believes that many physician offices do not realize how many of their patients (especially children) do not receive the recommended vaccines.

Space is limited. RSVP to

Here's an informational flyer and registration form. See you there!